Thank you for visiting my website. When you are here, you are interested in German lessons, you want to do something for your career, you run or work for a company and need marketing in the German market.

My offer is presented below, and if you want to know more about who Mr. Hamburger is,
so who am I, click here (LinkedIn) or my CV can be found here (PDF).

German lessons

I offer German courses at all levels, both individually and in groups. The courses take place online and stationary. When I'm not teaching alone, I work with a group of carefully selected teachers who, in addition to content-related skills, guarantee German language skills at native speaker level.

If you are a private person and would like to learn, please contact me, together we will find the best, individual learning offer for you.

If you represent a company and are looking for a language course for employees, please contact me as well.


You live in Germany or want to move to Germany? You've had enough of your current job and have the impression that you stuck? Do you want to develop further or do you have an idea for your own start-up company? Contact me immediately!

If you represent a company and are unsuccessfully looking for employees, please contact me. There is a good chance that there are suitable candidates in the Polish-German community in which I am active.


Do you run your own business? Do you want to sell in Germany? Do you have a website to create and need appealing texts on German? Do you have problems communicating with German customers? Are you looking for a business partner in Germany? Contact me immediately, if I can't help, then you will surely meet someone in our Business Club who has had similar problems.